How do I know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp

Whatsapp is a social media platform owned by Meta. Sometimes, you cannot see someone’s profile picture and you are curious about it. It means that someone Blocked or deleted me on whatsapp and then wanted to know how we can know that If someone Blocked or deleted me on whatsapp. The simple answer to this question is there is not straightway to know If someone Blocked or deleted me on WhatsApp. But there are some ways to know about it.

If you are one of those users and want to know If someone Blocked or deleted me on whatsapp then this article is for you. In this article, we will explain to you the complete guide to know If someone Blocked or deleted me on whatsapp. So, please read the whole article and follow its steps for a better understanding of your query. By following all the steps you can be able to know If someone Blocked or deleted me on whatsapp.


  • Mobile or Iphone.
  • Android and IOS operating system installed on mobile.
  • The user must have an Internet Connection
  • The user must have a WhatsApp Account.

Similar queries.

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  2. How To Tell If Someone Blocked You On WhatsApp?

Can I know if someone blocked or deleted me on whatsapp.

There is no way you can know for sure if you’re blocked, but you might be able to look for some clues and make a case for yourself.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp Messenger on your device.

1 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp
Step1: Open WhatsApp Messenger on your device.

Step 2: Tap the CHATS option . If WhatsApp opens up to a different tab, tap CHATS on the navigation panel at the top of your screen to view the list of all your recent personal and group conversations.

2 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp
Step2: Tap the CHATS option 

Step 3: Scroll down and tap on a conversation. Find your conversation with the person that you think might have blocked you, and tap on it to open the chat in full screen.

3 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp 1
Open the relevant person chat

Step 4: Send a chat message to your contact. Enter a message text or select a file, and send it to your contact in the chat conversation.

4 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp 1
Send a chat message

Step 5: Check the tick mark below your message. If your contact has blocked you, your messages won’t be delivered to them.

5 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp
Check the tick mark below your message. 

Step 6: Check your contact’s profile picture. If you’re blocked, you will see a gray figurehead next to your contact’s name at the top of the conversation instead of their profile picture.

6 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp
Check your contact’s profile picture

Step7:Check your contact’s last seen info. If you’re blocked, you can’t see your contact’s last seen information below their name at the top of the conversation.

7 know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp
Check your contact’s last seen info

Here is a video link for better understanding

How do I know If someone Blocked or deleted me on whatsapp

The whole procedure know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp has been discussed.  Surely it will prove very helpful for you. By following the instructions mentioned above in the article a user even if he/she does not know much about technology can easily know about know If Someone Blocked or Deleted me on Whatsapp. Hope so it will add to your knowledge. If you are interested in getting more Informative material you can visit more articles.

  1. How to dissolve a Whatsapp group
  2. Does Deleting WhatsApp Account Delete Conversations

What happens when someone deleted your number on WhatsApp?

You will no longer be able to see someone’s status updates if they erase your phone number. When anyone deletes your number, they may opt not to show you their most recent action. You will not be able to see someone’s Last Seen information unless you’ve been removed as well as blocked by them on WhatsApp.

Am I blocked or deleted on WhatsApp?

If someone has deleted the WhatsApp account and is no longer available on the app, there will be no profile picture, and a single tick appears next to the messages. The same is true if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp.

How do you know if someone blocked your number without calling?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.

What Will I See If Someone Deletes Me on WhatsApp?

When you deactivate a WhatsApp contact from your conversation list, their phone number replaces their name. The same restrictions apply to WhatsApp groups where you and the deleted contact are both members. If you delete a discussion with a deleted contact, you won’t be able to reach them again unless you remember their phone number. If someone deletes you from their WhatsApp, you will no longer be able to view their status updates or profile picture, depending on their preferences.

Hi, I am Anam Noreen. I did my Masters in English literature. By profession I am a blogger and graphic designer. I am highly interested to provide solutions regarding digital era. I am passionate about my ability to write quality content and to give readers knowledge that is both unique and accurate.

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