WhatsApp provides a feature to find starred messages in WhatsApp. We receive a lot of messages daily from a single chat that can cause low storage or irritation. It’s also possible that a user may join a group for information and receive large number of messages that are irrelevant. User may no t be able to see relevant messages. To solve all these situations user can starred important messages.
So if you have a problem finding starred messages in whatsapp, this article is here. You have to read the whole article & follow the steps. If you don’t read the entire article it may not lead you to successful results.
Prerequisite Tools & Software
- You must have a phone.
- It would help if you had a strong internet connection.
- You must have a WhatsApp app on your android phone and have an account on them. If not then install the WhatsApp app first from the google play store.
Similar Queries OR Questions
- Are starred messages saved in WhatsApp?
- Can everyone see starred messages?
We Provide two Methods For This Purpose.
- For Android User
- For IOS User
Method 1: Steps to find starred messages in whatsapp for Android Users.
We propose trying these steps to find starred messages in whatsapp. Following this procedure is step by step. Here is how this method works.
Step 1: Open your WhatsApp
Step 2: Open any chat.
Step 3: Tap and hold the message and click on the star option.
Step 4: Back to the whatsapp chat and then click on the three dots.
Step 5: Then click on the starred messages.
Step 6: Finally find starred messages in whatsapp.
You can quickly solve your problem by finding starred messages in whatsapp for Android users.
Method 2: Steps to find starred messages in whatsapp for iPhone Users.
We propose trying these steps to find starred messages in whatsapp. Following this procedure is step by step. Here is how this method works.
Step 1: Open your WhatsApp.
Step 2: Open any chat.
Step 3: Tap and hold the message and click on the star option.
Step 4: Back to the whatsapp chat and then click on the settings option.
Step 5: Then click on the starred messages.
Step 6: Finally find starred messages in whatsapp.
You can quickly solve your problem by finding starred messages in whatsapp for iPhone Users.
If you see these videos you can quickly solve your problem and find starred messages on whatsapp.
Congratulations! You have finally learned all the possible ways how to find starred messages in whatsapp. You can follow these step-by-step guides and get effective results. In case you want to find starred messages in whatsapp.
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Do starred messages disappear?
Starred messages will not disappear in WhatsApp. They are stored on your account and backed up in your local storage, Google Cloud, iTunes, and iCloud.
How do I recover starred messages?
How to recover all of your starred messages on WhatsApp
1. Open the WhatsApp app on your phone.
2. Hit the three vertical dots at the top of the screen to open the menu.
3. Select Starred messages.
4. Select the message you want to view in the chat.
Why is a text message starred?
Google’s Messages app for Android lets you “star” those messages to easily find them later on. The feature is simple but quite useful. Similar to Gmail, you can “star” any text message and it gets saved to the “Starred” category.
How do I select all-starred messages?
Type “-is:starred” in the search box near the top of the screen and click “Search Mail.” The “is:starred” search operator displays all your starred emails.