Before solving the question How I can move WhatsApp account to a new number first we see what is WhatsApp? WhatsApp is free to download messenger app for smartphones. WhatsApp uses the internet to send messages, images, audio, or video. So if you are having a problem that How I can move WhatsApp account to a new number then this article is here for you. You just have to read the whole article & follow the steps. If you don’t read whole article it may not led you to the successful results.
Prerequisite Tools & Software
- You should have a mobile.
- Internet connection should be available on your mobile.
- WhatsApp should be installed.
Similar Queries OR Questions
- Can I keep my WhatsApp messages if I change number?
- How can I change my WhatsApp number without losing chat.
We Provide two Methods For This Purpose.
- For Android User
- For I Phone User
Step 1: For Android users, how can move WhatsApp account to a new number.
We propose trying these steps to move your WhatsApp account to a new number. By following this procedure is step by step. Here is how this method works.
Step 1: Open the WhatsApp application.
Step 2: Click on the three dots.
Step 3: Click the Settings option.
Step 4: Choose the “Account” option.
Step 5: Click on the Change number option.
Step 6: Click on the Next option.
Step 7: Enter your old phone number, which is connected with your old WhatsApp account. You have to type the number in the old WhatsApp field.
- Now, enter your new number in the new phone number field.
- You will get the verification code which will be sent to the new phone number that you have entered.
If you See these video you can easily solve your problem that is move WhatsApp account to a new number.
Step 2: For I Phone user,
Solution Coming soon.
Congratulations! You have finally learned all the possible ways of how I can move WhatsApp account to a new number. You can follow these step-by-step guide and get effective results. In case you want to move WhatsApp account to a new number.
Can you keep the same WhatsApp with a different number?
The change number feature allows you to change the phone number associated with your WhatsApp account on the same or a new phone. Before changing your phone number: Make sure your new phone number can receive SMS or phone calls and has an active cellular connection.
Can I have two numbers on WhatsApp?
Here’s the important part – you can only use one phone number for each app. So you will need a virtual secondary phone number in order to receive a second verification code for one the WhatsApp apps.
What happens to WhatsApp when you change your SIM card?
If you buy a new SIM card that you want to use on your current Android or iPhone, it will not impact your existing WhatsApp account. You can still use the WhatsApp registered with your old number.
Can a person see my new number on WhatsApp?
WhatsApp requires your phone number to start the service and this contact number can be seen by anyone added in our contact list.
What happens when you change your number?
Contacts and call log will stay on your mobile phone when you change your number. Voicemails and/or text messages may be lost when you change your number.